Zip archives support

Among other additions, the new 0.7.8 version of the Profiler features support for Zip archives and an improved interface for displaying the file hierarchy.

Zip Archive

The supported decompression methods are Deflate and BZIP2 (more will be added). All popular encryption technologies are supported: ZipCrypto and WinZip AES. Support for the undocumented and proprietary PKWare encryption technology is still missing.

One of the handy UI improvements is the in depth risk report.

Risk tooltip

In this case the global risk signals that the calculated risk is 45% but could be more because some files could not be analyzed, since their format is not supported. This risk reporting is available both for the global risk and individual files.

Risk tooltip 2

In this case the main file “” was decrypted but the decryption of the embedded file “” failed, because I didn’t enter the password for it. We can see that “” has not been decrypted (nor the files it contains) because of the e character next to the risk percentage. The meaning of these kind of characters is explained by the tooltip.

The Zip format covers an enourmous amount of extensions and hugely increases the usefulness of the Profiler. Enjoy! 😉

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