Profiler 2.0

The new version 2.0 is out! The most important news is that we have a new online store, which allows orders from individuals and not only from organizations. If you’re not yet one of our customers, make sure to test out our trial. 🙂

We now offer 2 type of licenses Home/Academic and Commercial. Also, the price of the commercial license has been reduced. The reason for this is that we stripped active support from the license cost (we now offer support only in the advanced version). After 2 years on the road we had very few support requests and so it made sense to make licenses cheaper by removing the costs of support.

We’re currently finishing to port Profiler to Linux and OSX, so these platforms will be available soon. The current change-list reflects the changes in licensing and our cross-platform effort:

– switched to Visual Studio 2013
– updated Qt to 5.2.1
– updated Python to 3.4
– updated SQLite3
– updated OpenSSL
– switched from the XED2 to the Capstone disasm engine
– added disasm filters for ARM, Thumb, ARM64, MIPS, PowerPC and 8086
– implemented some custom view notifications in Python
– added UI controls to custom views
– made layouts available in the context of the main window
– improved Python SDK
– fixed many small issues

We switched to Qt 5, so PySide is unfortunately no longer supported. On the other hand the SDK now allows to build complex UIs. In fact, we fixed lots of minor issues in the SDK. The reason for that is that in the last months we had to offer a lot of SDK support and so we had to postpone many new features. The upside is that our SDK has become much more robust.

We also changed our licensing schema, which is no longer year-based, but version based. To compensate current customers for the lack of updates in the last months, we have renewed for free their license for the 2.x series. If you’re an active customer and you haven’t received your new license, please contact us!

News for version 1.1

And here it is.

added libmagic to the SDK
added preliminary ELF support
added TIFF support
– added GZ, BZ2 and LZMA file support
– exposed internal API for files and paths to Python
– hooks are now triggered even when loading embedded objects in the workspace
added magic info extension script
– exposed more DEX methods to Python
– remember manually enabled extensions
– capability to add individual files in the scan page
– some bug fixes


News for version 1.0

The new 1.0 version of the Profiler is out with the following news:

introduced logic provider extensions
added SQLite3 support including free pages inspection
exposed internal database access to extensions
– fixed some issues when executing Python code from other threads
– made actions available in the context of the main window

The 1.0 version represents for its round number and intrinsic meaning a milestone in the development road-map. So how does the actual development stage compare to the original road-map envisioned for 1.0?

Many features we’d like to have included are not there yet. On the other hand an even bigger number of features not originally considered for this version have been added, like complete support for C/C++ types, a JavaScript debugger, an incredibly powerful Python SDK, Lua filters etc.

Talking about file formats, few important ones are still missing. For instance ELF support is yet to be added. The reason for this lies behind the original idea to add support first for Windows file types. That’s why there’s support for esoteric file types like LNK and not for ELF. This strategy has been abandoned already some time ago and as you can see in 0.9.6 we added support for Mach-O executables. Also the overall support for Android (APKs, DEX, Binary XML) is very good and that only makes the support for ELF more important. Apart from that we’re happy with the number of formats currently supported and hope to significantly increase the number next year.

Another important aspect is documentation and tutorials. While we take good care of the blog, we’re certainly guilty in this regard. Unfortunately all time spent documenting is time subtracted from creating new features. We tried to give some practical examples this year (including reversing of malware):

But even there we certainly could do more. The already existing feature set of the standard version would already need half a book to be covered, not counting explanations regarding file formats. Sooner or later an entire book will become necessary, I guess. Early adopters have the advantage of gradually following the development and easily keeping up-to-date with new features. But the term ‘early adopter’ is relative. Become one of our customers today and you’ll become an ‘early adopter’ in a year! 😉

Sorry for the sales pitch, I was saying… Yes, our product offer has increased. Few months ago we have released PE Insider, a free Portable Executable viewer for the community, based on the same code base as Profiler.

Also, we have recently announced an advanced (forensic oriented) edition of Profiler. While this does subtract some time from the standard version, it also drives development a lot and the standard version will greatly benefit from it. For instance, the newly introduced logic providers could’ve been added later were it not for the advanced version. And the benefits won’t come only as extensions to the core and internal components, but also as additional file support as we’re going to show soon.

To mark the current milestone, starting from this version we’ll change the progression of versions. Every new release will increase the minor version (rather than the last number which will be reserved for bug fixes).

We hope you will accompany us in our journey towards 2.0!

News for version 0.9.9

The new 0.9.9 version of the Profiler is out with the following news:

added support for docked views in the main window
added scanning and rload (report load) hook notifications
partially exposed custom views to Python
exposed addEmbeddedObject method to Python
exposed NTContainer find methods to Python
improved importing of anonymous records (C11)
– added recognition of volatile keyword in types
– moved the message box constants to the Pro.Core module
– added tools view
– added quoted-printable decoding filter
added format quota calculator extension
added experimental EML attachment detection extension

Improved importing of anonymous records

C11 supports anonymous records like the following:

struct test {
    union {
        struct {
            unsigned int a;
            unsigned int b;
        struct {
            unsigned int c;
            unsigned int d;
        struct {
            unsigned int e;
            unsigned int f;

Notice that not only is the union anonymous but even its substructures are. The Header Manager is now capable of correctly importing this code. As usual anonymous types will be renamed (both their type and name).

News for version 0.9.8

Since 0.9.7 has been a massive release with lots of changes, we dedicated the new 0.9.8 version of the Profiler to improve things and fix minor bugs. Here’s the change list:

– improved support for Windows 8.1 PEs
– added language options to Header Manager
– improved anonymous types renaming logic
– improved TrueType font disassembler
– many small improvements
– fixed some minor bugs

Since some improvements are PE related, PE Insider has been updated as well.


News for version 0.9.7

The new 0.9.7 version of the Profiler is out with the following news:

introduced C++ class/struct parsing with Clang
introduced headers, layouts and manual analysis in hex mode
exposed all the above to the Python SDK
added capability to turn into a portable application
– added SHA-3 hashes
– updated Qt to 4.8.5
– updated OpenSSL
– behavior change: displaying table flags now requires a double click


News for version 0.9.6

The new 0.9.6 version of the Profiler is out. The main new feature is the support for Mach-O files. Since this feature stands on its own, it did make sense to postpone other features to the next version and in the meanwhile let our users benefit from this addition.

Here’s the changelist:

added support for Mach-O files
added support for fat/universal binaries
added support for Apple code signatures
– exposed DemangleSymbolName to Python

The DemangleSymbolName function demangles both VC++ and GCC symbols. Its use is straightforward:

from Pro.Core import DemangleSymbolName
demangled = DemangleSymbolName("__ZNK8OSObject14getRetainCountEv")
# outputs: OSObject::getRetainCount() const

News for version 0.9.5

We’re happy to present to you the new version of the Profiler with the following news:

introduced Lua filters: lua/custom and lua/loop
added optional condition to misc/basic
added JavaScript execute action
added JavaScript debugger
– simplified save report/project logic
– included actions among the extensions views
– improved detection of shellcodes
introduced max file size option for shellcode detection
improved OLE Streams parsing and extraction from RTFs
exposed getHash method in ScanProvider to Python
– added text replace functionality to text controls

While most of the items in the list have been discussed in previous posts, some of them need a brief introduction.

Max file size for shellcode detection

While shellcode detection applies by default to files of any size, you might want to specify a threshold.

Shellcodes scan options

This is useful if you want to speed up the analysis of large files. It might come handy in some cases.

The ‘getHash’ method

This method should be used by hooks to retrieve a hash for the currently scanned file. The syntax is very simple:


Of course one could use a filter to hash the file, but the advantage of this method is that once a particular hash type has been computed it won’t be computed again if requested by another hook.

Improved OLE Streams parsing and extraction from RTFs

In one of the previous use cases we’ve analyzed a huge set of malicious RTF documents. Some of them were not recognized correctly and some of them showed problems in the automatic extraction of OLE streams. This release fixes these issues.

RTF set

As you can see all RTFs are now correctly parsed and their OLE stream has been extracted. Some of the OLE objects though are not extracted correctly. After looking into it, it seems to be a problem with the malicious files themselves. OLE streams are encoded as hex strings into the RTF and in some of these files there’s an extra byte which invalidates the sequence.

01 05 00 00 02 00 00 00 1B 00 00 00 A 4D

That ‘A’ character between 00 and 4D makes the sequence to be 00 A4 D which is incorrect. Our guess is that the malware generator which produced these RTFs outputted some invalid ones by inserting an ‘A’ character instead of a 0x0A newline.

While RTF readers are not able to parse these objects either it’s still interesting for our analysis to be able to inspect them. So we just load the RTF files patching the ‘A’ character with a filter as in the screenshot below.

Fixing a broken OLE stream

That fixes it and we are now able to inspect the embedded OLE object and its threats. As you can see we get directly the shellcode disassembly from the automatic analysis.

Fixed OLE stream
